Interior designing is not everyone’s cup of tea! You might think something looks aesthetically beautiful and buy it immediately but it might not gel in with the harmony of your room! To avoid these kinds of mistakes it is advised to have a quick look at the basic essentials elements of interior design that make up the aesthetically beautiful interior of a house.
There are 7 core elements which make up the basics of interior design and understanding and acknowledging these elements is the first step towards developing the basic principles of interior design; which will make your own creative space interesting, pleasing and comfortable.
The 7 essentials elements of interior design are explained below for you to aid in mastering the interior designing in a jiff!
1. Color
The most important and basic element of interior design is Color. The world is full of colors yet everyone has their own personal favorite color or has a certain affection for a particular color or shade.

Color tones affect the ambience of a room. Reds, oranges, yellows – all these colors create warm auras for room whereas blues, greens and shades of purple create cool hues in a designated space. Solids like black, white or grey overall reduce a neutral effect and their presence highly influence the visual space.
To sum it up, colors bring out the energy in a room which can be directed in cultivating a certain attitude therefore one should be very careful when deciding the color scheme of your room.
2. Light
Another integral part of interior design is Light. Light plays with the setting and the décor of the room or any given space.

Any aesthetically decorated room comprises three types of lighting – accent, task and ambient. While selecting a particular light for a space, keep in mind the overall effect on the space i.e. light can be warm yellow or a cool blue or a fluorescent white. This all depends upon the intensity of the light. You can always play with the light and change the end result of your space by making it bright or dim according to your preference and need.
3. Lines
Ever seen a place which is irregular and non-symmetrical? Even that also follows lines in order to maintain harmony among different elements of interior designs.

To cut it short, the line is divided into three basic types in interior design – horizontal, vertical and dynamic. Lines are perfectly accustomed with different interior décor items such as ottomans, plants and vases etc.
The vertical lines can be seen in the form of columns in any given space whereas the horizontal lines are showcased IN the form of beams. The dynamic lines are shown through stairs, doors and windows.
An interior designer must know how to allocate lines in a given space and design according to the lines. Clever usage of lines can enhance the height and length of the space.
4. Pattern
Patterns add an interesting element to the interior design as you get an entirely new and revamped canvas to work on. Patterns will always tell a story of their own as well as adding a transitioning and continuity of life in the given space.

Patterns can be of any space; no uniformity is required as it adds life to the space. Beware! Don’t try to add too much in a space as it will make the space appear chaotic.
5. Form
A form is simply defined as an outline of any 3D object in space. It means shapes in general. A form can easily be created by mixing two or more shapes which will accentuate the other elements of interior design such as patterns, texture and color.

Forms are well defined as they establish harmony across the space while adding balance to the room.
Forms can easily be divided into two major groups. geometric and organic.
Geometric forms are the one which are man-made shapes and come with lengths and edges such as squares, rectangles etc.
Organic forms are those which occur naturally and are not uniform at all. They are abstract and curvy in nature and are usually irregular.
6. Space
Space is easily defined as the most important element of interior design. It speaks volume about the physical boundaries of a room.

Typically, it is the space which restricts you from going far and beyond in your design. The physical boundaries make you understand that these are the given dimensions for interior design and you cannot surpass them.
Space provides limits with relevance to the room available to be designed. For instance, if you have a small room in hand to décor, don’t overcrowd it with accessories and furniture, avoid the clutter! On the other hand, if you have a large room then don’t skimp it up with furnishings as this will totally ruin the designing aesthetics.
One of the most lethal rules for space while designing is that it is always important to leave some space empty so that there is easy fluid navigation possibility for the people who will be welcomed in the room.
7. Texture
Texture is entirely different from patterns, yet people confuse the two terms.
Texture is the way an object appears or feels. There are two kinds of textures: actual and visual.
The actual texture is usually what you can actually feel while touching a surface of any given object. For instance, a brick will have a rough texture on touching and would also be cold, sandy or sharp at some points or edges. Whereas visual texture is the one which is self-created with the aid of colors, light and other elements. The visual textures are invented to provide an idea of what an object would actually feel like in real life or when it will be touched in reality.
For instance, a brick wall wallpaper has a texture of roughness and sharpness but still it will not be what the real brick feels like. This is the main difference between visual and artificial texture.
End Note of 7 Essential Elements of Interior Designing!
Interior design is incomplete if any of these 7 essential elements are left out. They all are mandatory to be kept in mind while designing an aesthetically pleasing room. Interior design elements define the core essentials without which you cannot achieve design harmony in your given space!